Sunday was a surreal day for me, but a great day.
Its something that not all people 'get' but those that do, are special people indeed. I travelled to Birmingham, 2 children in tow, to meet a group of ladies, with their children whom i have shared the last 3 years with.
The thing about these friendships though was that we had never actually 'met', in real life. We have shared our lives with our children (all born in the same month and year) since our toddlers were just tiny flutters in our tummys until now, fully grown mischeif.
Sam, who i decided was either awesome or maybe crazy to agree to having a bunch of Mums all armed with their terrible (lovely) 2's and various older/younger children, was our host for the day! And a very good host she was, she took the chaos in her stride and fed us too :) Her husband wasn't so bad either ;) he kept my little mischeif extremely happy, as he owns a real motorbike and he even let him sit on it, and try his helmet on!
The 2 year olds were suprisingly well behaved, and the older children got on really well, i think we only saw them for about 2 minutes out of the whole day! The younger babies were very sweet and squishy :) And were happy to be passed round for various people to coo over without too many tears :)
Now onto the Mummies! Well what do i say about these wonderful ladies, we talk everyday in virtual world, and it was just like bringing that world to life, they were the same funny, caring and amazing people except i could hug them, and laugh with them, it was great and i have a feeling we will be wanting to do it again very soon :) Hopefully a few more can join us this time, who unfortunatly couldnt make it this time round as each one of them is a valued friend.
Ah I love this! I so wish I could've been there.
We wish you could have been too, ALL of you that couldnt make it, one day soon :) x